About this course
Why Python is used for
AI and ML? Why not any other Language. Let's understand that first.
1. A great choice of libraries is one of the main reasons
Python is the most popular programming language used for AI. ML requires continuous
data processing, and Python’s libraries let you access, handle and transform
We will be training you with most popular Python
libraries like Pandas, NumPy, Sci-kit learn, Matplotlib etc.
2. The low entry barrier allows more data scientists to
quickly pick up Python and start using Python for AI development without
wasting too much effort on learning the language.
It’s very much easy to learn without much coding
experience before, we will help you to learn it easy.
3. Python for AI and ML development is platform
independence. Python is not only comfortable to use and easy to learn but also
very versatile. What we mean is that Python for machine learning development
can run on any platform including Windows, MacOS, Linux, Unix, and twenty-one
You don't have to pay much for tools or platform.
Easily you can learn it with Google colab and practice it with the same
4. Python is very easy to read so every Python developer can
understand the code of their peers and change, copy or share it. There’s no
confusion, errors or conflicting paradigms, and this leads to more an efficient
exchange of algorithms, ideas, and tools between AI and ML professionals.
Because it very easy, knowledge sharing on python coding
would be hassle free
5. Libraries like Matplotlib allow
data scientists to build charts, histograms, and plots for better data
comprehension, effective presentation, and visualization.
Data visualization in very effective ways can be achieved
with fewer lines of code
We are waiting to answer for all
your Questions on Python and AI/ML in our demo class.
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